remain visible. Pressing any but ton w ill “wake” the tim er .
Move back to ZONE and select the unprogra mmed zone. Repea t
the programming steps to set -up the second wat ering zone.
Changing the Progr am
T o ma ke a change to the program, simply wake t he timer by
pressing an y but ton. Move to the sections you wish to ch ange and
adjust as needed. Watering will res ume at the “ST ART W A TER” time.
Manual W atering
Using the U P and DOWN arrows, m ove to “MANUA L .” Usin g t he
PL US button, adjust the time you wish t o water . T he timer will wait
5 seconds and begin to water . Manual watering can be up to 2 40
Rain Delay
In the event of predicted rainfall, you can temporarily suspend
automatic wa tering for up to 3 days. Si mply move to “RAIN DEL A Y”
and use the PL US but ton to selec t the desired delay . Af ter the
delay period has passed the timer will return to the programmed
Automa tic Rain Delay
This timer will work with Aqu aSentr y , M elnor ’ s exclusiv e Automatic
Rain Delay . AquaSentry ac tually monitors the moisture in the soil
and delays watering if it i s not nee ded. For more information, visit:
w w w .melnor .com/ conservation/ aqua-sentr y .html.
Disabling the Progr am
If you would like t o suspend aut omatic wat ering for an extended
period, simply change the “PROG RAM ” line to “OF F .” When you are
ready to resume wat ering, switch “PROGR AM” to “ON.” W atering
will begin at the “ST ART WA T ER” time. Each “Z ONE” is disabled or
enabled independently .
Progr am Memor y
This timer has memor y . If the bat ter y fails or is remov ed, even for
ex tended p eriods, the program will be ret ained. Af ter installing
a fresh batter y you simply ne ed to set the “ TIME .” The timer will
retain the exis ting progr am.
Install 2 AA Alkaline bat teries by removing t he bat tery holder
from the back of the timer and inserting the bat teries as indicated.
Replace the ba t ter y holder .
Once installed, the LC D screen will be work ing with the let ters
“OFF ” ashing beside “MANU AL.”
Installing the Timer
Attach t he ti mer dir ec tly to an o utsid e faucet and turn on the
Attach a h ose to th e timer o utle t and then to a sprinkler , soaker
hose or other wa tering system.
Note: T he timer can be pro grammed be fore installation.
Progr amming the T imer
Press th e UP key unti l the numbers b eside “ TIME” are ashing.
Set t he curre nt time using the PL US and MINUS k eys. By holding
the key down the ti me will change rapidly . A tap will cause a
stepped change. Once you have set the c orrec t time, use the
DOWN arrow key t o move to t he ne x t sec tion.
Use the PLUS and MINUS keys to sel ec t the “ZON E” you want
to program. U se the DOWN key to mov e to the nex t se ction .
Selec t when you want to begin watering in the “ST ART W A TER”
sec tion. Again adjust the time us ing the PL US and MINUS key s.
Move to t he ne x t sec tion.
Set how long you w ish the wat er to run in the “ W A TER FOR”
sec tion. This time can be adjusted up to 2 40 minutes. Move to the
nex t section.
Sele ct h ow oft en you would like to water in the “ WA T ER EVERY”
sec tion. This is set in hours or days. Move to the next se c tion.
Activate the program b y adjusting the “PROGR AM” sec tion to
ON. Watering will begin at the “ST ART W A TER” time.
Melnor , Inc. • Winchester , V irginia 22603, USA
877-283-0697 • ww w .melnor .com