Class Scheduling Resources

Update the course schedules with the following information:

Class Section Campus Instruction Mode Time Online
F01 Online Online 80–100%
M01/W01 NYC/LI In Person 0–49%
M01/W01 NYC/LI Blended 50–79%
M01/W01 Zoom Hybrid Remote 80% or greater


Section Component Day/Time Room
Example 1: AAID 102 W01 LEC/STD M/Th 2 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. EDHL 136
Example 2A: BIOL-110-W01 LEC M/W 8 a.m. – 9:20 a.m. JJTH 411
Example 2B: BIOL-110L-W01L LAB W 8:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. JJTH 408

Credit/Minute Ratios for UG/GR Courses

Method of Instruction Credit Semester Class Minutes Semester Homework Minutes
Lecture 1 750 1500
2 1500 3000
3 2250 4500
4 3000 6000
5 3750 7500

If credit is given for a lab or studio, the number of semester class minutes should be at least doubled for each credit awarded. For example, an anatomy and physiology course with (3) lecture credits and (1) lab credit should meet 2,250 minutes for the lecture and a minimum of 1,500 minutes for the lab. The rationale for requiring extra class minutes for the lab is the work done in class, and not homework.

Independent study, tutorials, and online courses must comply with the same minute/credit ratios. While it is not required for days/times to be submitted for these class types, it is the responsibility of departments to be prepared to provide documentation showing expected learning outcomes and evidence of student achievement when New York Tech is audited.

UG/GR Class Meeting Times

Mon/Wed, Tue/Thu, Wed/Fri, Mon/Fri:

Suggested Summer Meeting Patterns

Mon/Wed/Fri (if 17 meetings):

2 hrs 20 mins each

Mon/Wed/Fri (if 17 meetings):

3 hrs 10 mins each

Mon/Wed (if 11 meetings):

3 hrs 50 mins each

Mon/Wed (if 11 meetings):

5 hrs 5 mins each

Tue/Thu (if 12 meetings):

3 hrs 30 mins each

Tue/Thu (if 12 meetings):

4 hrs 40 mins each

Mon–Thu (15 meetings):

2 hrs 50 mins each

Mon–Thu (15 meetings):

3 hrs 55 mins each

Schedule of Courses/Enrollment Statistics

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Engineering and Computing Sciences

School of Architecture and Design

School of Health Professions

School of Management

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