Career Exploration in Middle School: Helping Students Dream Big, While Giving Them The Tools To Succeed

Students today are both excited and nervous about their life after high school. While still dreaming of what the future may hold, they must also map out a future for themselves that is both in line with their career interests and their educational expectations. That’s why cultivating a student’s understanding of their career aspirations and making certain that their educational goals are aligned with their career objectives are vital to a student’s long-term success. Career exploration is the cornerstone of this process, and research suggests that middle school is the most effective time for career guidance to occur. Evidence shows that career guidance works; it is associated with both positive educational and employment outcomes, keeps students engaged in school, and allows them to develop a better sense of self. As we encourage students to dream about their futures, we must give them the knowledge and tools to succeed and support the interventions that have proved benefits. Middle school career exploration is one of those interventions.

Key Findings


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